About Andrews Pizza in Hood River
Andrews Pizza in Hood River is a great place to visit and check out when you come to Hood River. Not only is there indoor dining available with great pizza and other specialty items but it is home to the Skylight Theater in Hood River, an upscale dining and movie theater cinema with the most comfortable seats I have ever sat in during a theater and movie. Currently, the theater is closed but I did want to share the Valentines Day Specials on this (February 14, 2021) announcements from Andrews Pizza.
Announcements For Valentines Day
Red Velvet Cake: Come on down to get your Valentine a slice of cake before it’s gone! Red velvet cake, cream cheese mousse, cream cheese butter cream, chocolate ganache drizzle, and a chocolate dipped strawberry!!

Heart Shaped Pizza: Happy Valentine’s Day 🙂
Be sure to request your heart shaped pizza when placing an order today!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andrewspizza/
Website: https://www.skylighttheater.com/
Also see my other article on discoverhoodriver.com in which I go into detail about Andrews and how it is an awesome place to go while visiting Hood River: https://www.discoverhoodriver.com/things-to-do-in-hood-river-andrews-pizza-and-skylight-theater-september-24-2020/
I hope you have enjoyed this quick announcement from Andrews Pizza in Hood River! They are a great place to go when visiting Hood River!